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Joe Bruno Promises To Spend OUR Money To Protect HIS Majority

Wow. You know things are bad when the Senate Majority Leader feels perfectly fine with stating on the record that he plans to shovel money into the districts of GOP incumbents to protect his majority and that the reporter duly noted those words without asking him "WTF?" This is what he said:

from the Times Record

Also, all state senators in the region (John Bonacic, R-C-Mount Hope; Bill Larkin, R-C-Cornwall-on-Hudson; and Tom Morahan, R-C-New City) are members of the state Senate's ruling Republican Party. Considering Bonacic's tap into the gravy train before, imagine now what leadership will do to fend off future challenges.

Senate Majority Leader Joe Bruno said yesterday that GOP senators will be well protected over the next two years and can count on significant pork and legislative say-so. "They are going to do extremely well on behalf of their constituency," Bruno said of state Senate Republicans.

On behalf their constituency? Is that really the motivation here? Or are you going to use the general fund to supplement the NY RSCC campaign? What about those districts held by Dems or by unchallenged GOP incumbents? Can we assume that they will suffer so that you can use their money to defend the last bastion of state GOP power? Where in the state Constitution is the section describing the outlay of public money for purely political purposes?

I'm not naive. I know that this is always the way it's done. But, for Bruno to be so confident that he feels he can go on the record with such a plan and then have that statement go unchallenged describes a process and a culture that is out of control.

This is YOUR state government.

Had enough?